For this reason, SATA drives can suffer from a problem known as silent data corruption, where errors can be introduced and not detected when the data is read from the disk. 由于这个原因,SATA驱动器可能遭遇称为无提示数据损坏的问题,即在从磁盘读取数据时可能引入错误且无法检测到这些错误。
At this point, each data structure for pinch or swipe is reset if three fingers are not detected. 此时,如果未检测到三根手指,则点击或按压的每个数据结构都将被重设。
If the plug-in is not detected on your system, you are prompted with the option to install it. 如果未在您的系统上检测到该插件,则会提示您选择安装它。
If on the other hand, GZIP encoding is not detected, we leave the input stream alone. 另一方面,如果GZIP编码未被检测到,我们就不对输入流再作处理。
GACVS noted that surveillance systems are crucially important in developing countries and elsewhere where BSE undoubtedly exists but is not detected and reported. GACVS注意到,在发展中国家和其他某些肯定有BSE存在但尚未检测到并予以报告的地区亟需建立监测系统。
The CDC said the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS) had also not detected any problems in connection with the vaccines affected by this recall. 疾病防治中心表示,疫苗不良事件报告系统(VAERS)也没有发现受到该召回影响的疫苗相关的任何问题。
This situation occurs because the unhealthy condition is not detected until a log is replayed. 由于在重播日志前,无法检测到不正常的情况,所以会发生这种情况。
Monobutyltin ( MBT) was not detected in all mollusks. 所有软体动物均未检测出单丁基锡。
Lamella was not well developed and accumulation of starch was not detected. 叶绿体片层发育不完全,没有淀粉粒积累。
This is called the dead time, or the time within which a second pulse of light is not detected. 这段时间叫做死时间或不能测量第二个光脉冲的时间。
Target microorganisms were not detected in all tissue samples in root canals in control group. 阴性对照组牙根管内组织样本中目标微生物检出率为零。
The target, whatever it was, since I wasn't told, was not detected on the equipment I was operating. 这个目标,不管它是什么,因为我没有被告知,所以没有检测我操作的设备。
The different nature of the dye also not detected containing carcinogenic dye. 各种不同性质的染料中也未检测出含有致癌染料。
The wizard could not complete the test because your voice was not detected. 由于检测不到您的声音,向导无法完成测试。
Lists some known issues that are not detected by the upgrading tools and explains how to address them. 列出升级工具未检测到的一些已知问题,然后说明如何解决这些问题。
Because the model is updated appropriately, the missing event firing is not detected by the assertions. 因为模型被适当地更新了,断言没能检测到遗漏的事件触发。
Virus was not detected in urine and feces in this experiment which awaits to be repeated. 该实验未证实鼠尿、带有病毒,有待重复实验。
In fact the Light moves in mysterious ways that the dark Ones have not detected. 实际上,光以黑暗者们没有发现的神秘方式推进。
By contrast, such selective pressure is not detected in more distantly related species. 与之相比,在较为古老的谱系中相对缺少这种正选择压力。
CPU fan not detected. 未检测到CPU风扇。
Fluorescent cells were not detected in tonsil, liner, larynx, and kidney. 在扁桃体、肝、喉部和肾脏中没有查到荧光细胞。
If you had any other operating systems on your computer that were not detected or not detected correctly, please file an installation report. 如果您计算机上的其他操作系统没有被侦测到,或者未被正确侦测,请撰写一份安装报告。
The modem was not detected correctly. Click More Information for further details. 没有正确检测到调制解调器。具体细节,请单击「详细信息」。
Heartbeats not detected for some replication agents. The status of these agents have been changed to 'Failed'. 未检测到某些复制代理程序的心跳信号。已将这些代理程序的状态更改为''失败''。
If your voice is still not detected, you will be able to hear what other people are saying online, but they will not be able to hear you. 如果还检测不到您的声音,则您可听到联机的其他人的声音,但他们无法听到您的声音。
Dial tone not detected within the required time. verify that the phone cable is properly attached and functional. 在要求的时间内没有发现拨号音。确定电话线连接正确并可使用。
Alert! Hard drive thermal probe not detected. 警告!未检测到硬盘驱动器温度探测器。
The organic compounds in deep pore water are basically not detected. 深层孔隙水有机物基本未检出。
Many times, when there is a problem in a YAML file, it is not detected until the value actually needs to be used. 很多时候,当有YAML文件中的一个问题,它没有检测到,直到值实际需要使用。